Honorary Chair

Lu, YongxiangChina


Yang, HuayongZhejiang University, China

Organization Committee


Xu, BingZhejiang University, China

General Secretary

Li, XinZhejiang University, China
Wang, FengZhejiang University, China


Cao, YongShanghai Radk-Tech Hydraulic System Co.,ltd.
Ge, YaozhengZhejiang University, China
Gong, GuofangZhejiang University, China
Jin, BoZhejiang University, China
Kimmich, MartinFesto (China) Ltd.
Kong, XiaowuZhejiang University, China
Lin, YonggangZhejiang University, China
Liu, HaoZhejiang University, China
Liu, HongweiZhejiang University, China
Ma, QinghaiSMC (China) Co.,Ltd.
Ouyang, XiaopingZhejiang University, China
Ren, BingbingLinde Hydraulics GmbH & Co. KG
Tao, GuoliangZhejiang University, China
Wang, LipingJiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., Ltd.
Wang, WeiBosch Rexroth AG, China
Wei, JianhuaZhejiang University, China
Weng, ZhidanNingbo Hoyea Machinery Manufacture Co.,Ltd.
Wu, ShijunZhejiang University, China
Xie, HaiboZhejiang University, China
Yang, GengZhejiang University, China
Zhai, LikuiDanfoss Power Solutions, China
Zhang, JunhuiZhejiang University, China
Zhou, HuaZhejiang University, China
Zhu, XiaocongZhejiang University, China
Zhu, YiZhejiang University, China

Supported by

Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Fluid Power Transmission and Control Institution of CMES
China Construction Machinery Association
China Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals Association
Zhejiang Provincial Nature Science Foundation
Global Fluid Power Society

Sponsored by

Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Hoyea Machinery Manufacture Co.,Ltd.
Pneumatic & Electric Automation Technology
Linde Hydraulics Corporation
SMC Corporation

Bosch Rexroth Ltd.

Shanghai Radk-Tech Hydraulic System Co.,Ltd.

Important News

  • The Final program of ICFP 2021 is released. Click here to Download.   Apr 7, 2021
  • The preliminary program of ICFP 2021 is now available. Click here to Download.   Feb 11, 2021
  • Conference registration system opens. Click here to register.     Feb 11, 2021
  • Due to international travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 10th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP 2021) will be held in a hybrid manner where the international attendees will join the conference online and the domestic attendees will join the conference onsite. The conference time is not changed and is during April 11-13, 2021.      Feb 7, 2021
  • Final paper submission system is closed. Please contact us at icfp2021@zju.edu.cn if you have any questions.      Feb 5, 2021
  • Draft paper submission system is closed.      Jan 5, 2021

Conference Program

April 11All dayRegistration
April 128:00-8:30Opening ceremony (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)
Chaired by Prof. Bing Xu (Zhejiang University)
8:30-9:30Keynote speeches 1-2 (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)
Chaired by Prof. Huayong Yang (Zhejiang University)
9:30-10:15Group photo and tea break (Lobby, 3rd floor)
10:15-12:15Keynote speeches 3-6 (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)
Chaired by Prof. Zongxia Jiao(Beihang University)
12:15-13:30Buffet lunch (Window Pavilion Cafe (云天阁), 2nd floor, and Si Chuan peach Garden (桃源川味), 4th floor
13:30-14:50Parallel sessions 1-5
15:00-16:20Parallel sessions 6-10
16:20-16:40Tea break (Lobby, 3rd floor)
16:40-18:20Parallel sessions 11-15
18:20-21:00Buffet dinner (Window Pavilion Cafe (云天阁), 2nd floor)
April 138:00-10:00Keynote speeches 7-10 (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)
Chaired by Prof. Bing Xu (Zhejiang University)
10:00-10:20 Tea break (Lobby, 3rd floor)
10:20-11:50Keynote speeches 11-13 (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)
Chaired by Prof. Long Quan (Taiyuan University of Technology)
11:50-13:30Buffet lunch (Window Pavilion Cafe (云天阁), 2nd floor, and Si Chuan peach Garden (桃源川味), 4th floor)
13:30-15:10Parallel sessions 16-20
15:10-15:30Tea break (Lobby, 3rd floor)
15:30-17:30Parallel sessions 21-25
18:00~Banquet (Grand Ballroom (世贸厅), 3rd floor)

Keynote Speech

April 128:30-9:00Future Mobile Machinery from Vision to MissionKatharina Schmitz
RWTH Aachen University
9:00-9:30Piezo Technology and ApplicationEric Angue
Festo (China) Automation Ltd.
10:15-10:45An Efficient Drive Technology for Electrified Off-road VehiclesAndrea Vacca
Purdue University
10:45-11:15Recent Developments of Micro Hydraulic System TechnologiesKazuhiro Yoshida
Tokyo Institute of Technology
11:15-11:45Towards High-performance and Energy-efficient System of Systems Control of Heterogenous Heavy-duty Mobile ManipulatorsJouni Mattila
Tampere University of Technology
11:45-12:15Potential for Noise Reduction in Fluid Power UnitsWieslaw J. Fiebig
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
April 138:00-8:30Development of 3D technology from fluid power components to bioprintingHuayong Yang
Zhejiang University
8:30-9:00Hydrostatic Machines for the FutureRobert Rahmfeld
Danfoss Power Solutions
9:00-9:30Artificial ventilation of the human respiratory system: modelling and optimizationAndrew Plummer
University of Bath
9:30-10:00Efficient and Precise Control of Fluid Power SystemsZongxuan Sun
University of Minnesota
10:20-10:50Industrial Hydraulics: Now – Next – BeyondSteffen Haack
Bosch Rexroth AG
10:50-11:20Why switching from hydraulic to electric actuation in Aerospace is not so simple?Jean-Charles Mare
The French National Institute of Applied Sciences(INSA Toulouse)
11:20-11:50The Impact of Digital- and Green Transformation on Mobile Hydraulic SystemsPetter Krus
Linkoping University

Updated at 4/10/2021

Conference Registration

The conference registration is made via our online registration system.

Registration Fee for Domestic Attendees (Onsite):
(The registration fee includes food and beverage cost during the conference)

            Before February 28, 2021:

  • Professional, Industrial Participants and Others: 3000 RMB
  • Students: 1500 RMB

            After February 28, 2021:

  • Professional, Industrial Participants and Others: 3500 RMB
  • Students: 1800 RMB

Registration Fee for International Attendees (Online):

            Before February 28, 2021:

  • Professional, Industrial Participants and Others: 200 US Dollars
  • Students: 100 US Dollars

            After February 28, 2021:

  • Professional, Industrial Participants and Others: 250 US Dollars
  • Students: 150 US Dollars

Conference Proceedings Fee:

  • Electronic Version: Free
  • Print Version: 130 RMB/print

Key Dates

Jul. 30, 2020(Aug. 31, 2020)
Abstract submission (two-page)
Aug. 15, 2020(Sep. 30, 2020) 
Abstract acceptance notification
Oct. 15, 2020(Oct. 31, 2020) 
Draft paper submission
Nov. 15, 2020
Draft paper acceptance notification
Dec. 31, 2020(Jan. 30, 2021) 
Final paper submission


State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems
School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University
38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, P. R. China

Tel: 86-571-87951314
Fax: 86-571-87951271
Email: icfp2021@zju.edu.cn

Keynote Speakers

Huayong Yang
Zhejiang University, China
Steffen Haack
Bosch Rexroth AG, Germany
Eric Angue
Festo (China) Automation Ltd., Germany
Andrew Plummer
University of Bath, UK
Katharina Schmitz
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Zongxuan Sun
University of Minnesota, USA
Petter Krus
Linköping University, Sweden
Robert Rahmfeld
Danfoss Power Solutions, Germany
Andrea Vacca
Purdue University, USA
Jean-Charles MARE
INSA Toulouse, France
Wieslaw Fiebig
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Jouni Mattila
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Kazuhiro Yoshida
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Conference Hotel

Zhejiang NARADA Grand Hotel (浙江世贸君澜大饭店)
Address: 122 Shuguang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China (浙江省杭州市西湖区曙光路122号)
Hotel website: https://www.naradahotels.com/vacation/info/29.html

Past Events


The topics in ICFP 2021 include but not limited to:
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic components
  • System design and integration
  • Fundamentals and fluids
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Industrial hydraulics
  • Mobile hydraulics
  • Hybrid drive and control
  • Digital hydraulics
  • Additive manufacture
  • Connectivity and data processing
  • Condition monitoring and diagnosis
  • New system architectures
  • Water hydraulics
  • Pneumatic systems
  • Intelligent fluid power system
  • Automation and control design
  • Renewable energy
  • Biomedical systems
  • Robotics and cyber-physical systems
  • Aerospace, marine and transportation
  • Quick Links

    Updated at 4/10/2021

    International Advisory Committee

    Angue, EricFesto (China) Automation Ltd., Germany
    Fiebig, WieslawWroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
    Haack, SteffenBosch Rexroth AG,Germany
    Handroos, HeikkiLappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
    Hong, Yeh-SunKorea Aerospace University, Korea
    Ito, KazuhisaShibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
    Jiao, ZongxiaBeihang University, China
    Johansen, PerAalborg University, Denmark
    Juliamo De Negri, V.Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
    Kagawa, ToshiharuTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    Kong, XiangdongYanshan University, China
    Krus, PetterLinkoping University, Sweden
    Lu, DamingChinese Mechanical Engineering Society, China
    Manring, NoahUniversity of Missouri, USA
    Mao, MingChina North Vehicle Research Institute, China
    Mare, Jean-CharlesINSA Toulouse, France
    Mattila, JouniTampere University of Technology, Finland
    Murrenhoff, HubertusRWTH Aachen University, Germany
    Plummer, AndrewUniversity of Bath, UK
    Ramfeld, RobertDanfoss Power Solutions, Germany
    Rundo, MassimoPolitecnico di Torino, Italy
    Sanada, KazushiYokohama National University, Japan
    Scheidl, RudolfJohannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
    Schmitz, KatharinaRWTH Aachen University, Germany
    Sha, BaosenChina Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals Association, China
    Stelson, Kim A.University of Minnesota, USA
    Su, ZimengChina Construction Machinery Association, China
    Sun, ZongxuanUniversity of Minnesota, USA
    Tanaka, YutakaHosei University, Japan
    Vacca, AndreaPurdue University, USA
    Wang, ChangjiangChina Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals Association, China
    Wang, QingfengZhejiang University, China
    Wang, YumingTsinghua University, China
    Xiang, ChangleBeijing Insitute of Technology, China
    Yao, BinPurdue University, USA
    Zen, GuangshangChina Academy of Launch Vehicle Technolog, China
    Zhao, DingxuanYanshan University, China